Today I am pleased to be joined by a special guest, Julia Garcia, founder of The Rewrite Project and The Truality movement, author, speaker and blogger. I asked her to share some thoughts on gratitude and I am grateful for her contribution.
Julia writes:
I recently heard a friend of mine say during a diversity lecture that “What informs you, forms you.” After hearing his wise words my focus shifted around to the rather simple, yet, oh so complicated, concept of “consciousness.”
Most of us are traditionally making routine decisions in our lives such as where to eat dinner, when to sleep, and how we are going to pay our bills, but, how often are we truly conscious of the thoughts that lead to our decision making process? Imagine how much wider of a lens we could see the possibilities of life through if we chose a simple habit of being consciously grateful, just as habitually as we put on our shoes before we rush out of the door in the morning.
In other words, what would your life look like if you consciously chose to clothe yourself, daily, in gratitude?
If you just start by beginning to think of gratitude as a simple practice and not as a painful and inconvenient task then perhaps it will transform your heart into one of a little more patience throughout your hectic day. Even more, it may even manage to transform the lives of those you love, who are around you, into a kind of positive energy that has everyone consciously thriving instead of merely striving to live a full and abundant life.
I challenge you to try and become more conscious of your thoughts and to always, even when it’s the last thing you want to do, choose to be thankful… Our wardrobe and our sanity may just depend on it 🙂
XoX0 @JuliaGarciaNYC